Chat GPT and Bard are two artificial intelligence tools using a standalone website, making it accessible to everyone.
Chat GPT : what is it?
Chat GPT was first released last November by OpenAI. Everyone could enjoy the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence to write content (blog articles, college essays, novels, etc..) and create designs based on texts. Chat GPT is even able to solve coding problems and can be useful in multiple areas.
Toward other AI tools
Last week, China revealed Ernie, its on version of ChatGPT.
Google is now launching its own AI Chatbot : BARD, doing what Google does best : everything a search engine is doing !
The Differences Between Chat GPT and Bard
In December, facing the huge success of OpenAi with Chat GPT, Google announced they were going to join the AI race. This month, with Bard, they proved their efficiency. However, the two AI are very different :
Chat GPT and Bard : New Content versus Content Analysis
Chat GPT is good at new creation and does not have a good memory. The bot can only store up to 3 000 words and ignore past conversations.
Bard, on its side, has the main purpose of searching for information, in order to give an answer. Therefore the storage is an important advantage and Google plans to increase its storage ability over time.
Chat GPT and Bard : Multilingual versus English-Speaker Only
Chat GPT can be used in several languages including Mandarin, French, Spanish, etc… while Bard is currently only available in English.
This may explain why Bard is currently only available in the US and the UK. After more testing, Google ill probably make it available in other languages.
Chat GPT and Bard : Knowledge Base versus Search Engines
This is one of the main painpoint of Chat GPT : the responses given are taken from a knowledge database already built, meaning not fed daily. The data have been stored until September 2021, so everything Chat GPT is now creating is limited to them. Chat GPT is therefore very limited for research and article writing about new events.
On the other hand, Bard is giving answers using Google Search Engines, so the Internet, in real time! This is Google main advantage: it is using its own force to grow something bigger. Bard can even include links to websites.
Producing one or several responses to questions : Chat GPT and BARD
You’ve probably tried it : when using Chat GPT, you will receive only one answer from the bot. This is not the case with Bard. The AI provide different answer, taken from the web, letting the user choose which one fit best.
Bard : Its main limitations
Bard look like a very useful AI tool. However, let’s be aware of some of its limitations :
- Currently in Bêta test in the UK and the USA ;
- Only available in English ;
- The AI, hen giving an information, may not quote the source : it could give a « fake » news, or not reward a speaker/researcher/content producer for his work ;
And you: did you tried Chat GPT? what do you think about it? are you excited to try Bard?