Landing page best practices are a must to master to generate leads. Businesses usually create landing page to sell a particular product or promote a special offer.
A landing page is dedicated to one specific goal. To lead people to achieve this goal, a button is placed on the landing page. Its purpose is to encourage visitors to take action. That’s why it is called a « call-to-action » (CTA).
Where to place your CTA? How to build your landing page for lead generation? How to optimize it for SEO?
Discover 6 landing page best practices.
1. Create stunning headlines with your keywords
The first thing your visitors will see are your headlines. If they are good and match with what they are looking for, they are more likely to stay on the page. Personalize them and do not hesitate to sing the praises of your business.
Headlines are also good for SEO. Don’t forget to include your keywords on it.
2. Don’t give navigation option (no links, menu, sidebar, related articles, etc…)
The main goal of a landing page is to trigger a unique action from the visitors: to click on the CTA.
To achieve this purpose, do not give any other navigation option. Consequently, your landing page should be build without Menu, Sidebar, links, related articles plugin, etc…

3. Balance optimized text and media in your page
A landing page should be attractive. Don’t put only text! Be creative and use different types of media : images, videos, gifs…
Adapt according to the product you are offering. Even if you are selling an ebook, you can create a virtual book to improve the user experience.
Don’t forget to optimize your text for SEO, and compress your images to avoid reducing your page speed.
Finally, a good content is a well-balanced content. The experience is smoother when texts and media complete each other.
4. Choose a unique Call-To-Action and place it well
The call-to-action, as we mentioned above, is the button you want people to click to. It should be unique because one landing page is dedicated to one specific purpose only.
If you buy a landing page for a special promotion, you should not include a call-to-action related to your newsletter subscription. Only one CTA will appear here, for example, « I Want It Now! ».
You notice that I did not choose « Buy » for the text of my CTA. Depending on your branding, you may want to personalize your text. Choose something different, you will leave a trace in people’s brain.
Finally, place your CTA both at the top and at the bottom of your page. If you build a longDepending on your strategy, if you build a long landing page, you should as well include a CTA at the middle.
5. Use social proof to increase trust in your landing page
Social proof means social interactions between your business activities and the public. A social proof can be a testimony, a comment or a product rating. They can be positive or negative.
Of course, you want to highlight positive social proves to encourage people to click on your call-to-action.
I did my master thesis about this topic and I can promise you that social proof is a big trust builder. Usually, when people see other people are satisfied about a product or a service, even if they do not know the person who testify, they are much more likely to try it too.
6. Reduce the speed and make it responsive : a technical landing page best practice
We talked a lot about the organization of your landing page content. Take care of the technical side as well. The different elements should not reduce the speed of your page. You should also build it to be mobile friendly and responsive.
If your using WordPress, use Landing Page Builder such as Elementor to design responsive beautiful pages.
Respect Landing Pages Best Practices with Sarah, your Expert in Digital Marketing, and Boost your Lead Generation
Do You Need Marketing Tips? I’m the specialist! My name is Sarah Caballero, graduated with a MBA in Digital Marketing, I already managed dozens of blogs and social media accounts with amazing results in :
Contact me now : whatstheplan.agency@gmail.com
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Youtube: What’s the Plan Agency
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