Instagram reach and impressions are not always well understood by users. When you try to analyze your account, you better know the difference between those two Instagram metrics.
Good to Know: Not all platforms take the same metrics the same way. For example, snapchat has « story views » instead of impressions. Google Ads even differentiate two types of reach : « cookie-based- and « unique reach ».
Reach and impressions are the two basis metrics you want to look at to make sure your post has been shared. You will also look at the different performances to know when and how you are targeting the broadest audience.
Instagram Reach
Instagram reach indicates the total number of accounts your post has reached. In marketing, we use to say that one account represent one user.
So, to make it simple : 1 Instagram Reach = 1 User.
No matter if this same user watched your video 500 times, this user brings you 1 Instagram reach.
However, this obsessive user is really pushing your Impressions…

Instagram Impressions
Instagram impressions show the number of times your content has been viewed.
500 impressions on a video and only 1 Instagram reach? This is our obsessive user who is probably replaying it :p.
500 impressions for 500 reach? People saw your content, but did not come back on it. Why? Maybe you could improve it a bit to make people come back to it again.
Finally, you have 500 impressions for 250 account reached? Your « average impression » or « effective frequency » is 2, and this is very good. It means that in average people saw your content twice, so it was interesting enough to make them replay your video, or look again at your picture.
Instagram Reach and Ad : What Is A Good Effective Frequency?
In social advertisement research, people pointed the Effective Frequency should be at least 3. Meaning a user should see your ad at least 3 times to remind your brand or interact with you. Krugman, from General Electric, stated that 3 exposures were enough to make someone aware of your brand.
On the other hand, the business man Thomas Smith defended suggested that it took twenty.
Learn More About Instagram Metrics And Plan Your Social Media Strategy With Sarah, Your Expert In Digital Marketing
Do You Need Marketing Tips? I’m the specialist! My name is Sarah Caballero, graduated with a MBA in Digital Marketing, I already managed dozens of blogs and social media accounts with amazing results in :
Contact me now : whatstheplan.agency@gmail.com
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