Search term vs keyword : many people do not distinguish those two terms. However, it is very important to differentiate them. For example, those expressions are used in Google Ads. If you do not know the difference between search term vs keyword, you cannot set a proper digital marketing strategy.
Search Term
A search term is what people search on search engines. For example : « how to fix network problems? ».
This is what users are looking for. It can be very specific. The main search term vs keyword difference is that you need to think like your potential visitors to define the search terms.
Search Terms VS Keywords Definitions
A keyword is a word or expression that defines YOUR content, business, services or product. The basics are the ones that describe your services. If you are a tech company, you may choose many keywords related to computers : « computer assistance » « phone shop », etc…
The goal is to develop content that answers your potential customers. In this case, you should definitely write a blog post about how good you are at fixing network problems, with the related keywords.
At the end, the keywords you use should be as close as possible to your users’ search terms.
Do Search Term Research and Define your Keywords with Sarah, your Expert in Digital Marketing
Do You Need Marketing Tips? I’m the specialist! My name is Sarah Caballero, graduated with a MBA in Digital Marketing, I already managed dozens of blogs and social media accounts with amazing results in :
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